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A shared passion for all good things…

Discover STAR’BAKE

for all tastes

Think about a golden puff pastry, to answer the tastes of all customers,
a generous and flavoursome rustic loaf


or the softest white bread… we’ve created inventive recipes
and chosen our ingredients with the greatest care.

Discover the range

Simplified process

Easy-to-bake products with ready-to-use ingredients :
Star’Bake is all about staying in line with the latest consumer trends.

Discover the range


For the love of a good product and a job well done…
Beyond baked products it is a true art of living your customers will encounter.


You are offering them the opportunity
to take a break, to enjoy quality time and to treat themselves with great tastes.

Discover the range

The range

Star’bake offers a wide variety of products to make the baker’s job easier.
They are in line with the latest consumer trends, in particular for snacks and sandwiches.

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Mixes & Premixes

A new sleek and elegant packaging

> Breads and special breads

> Pizzas

> Sweet specialities

HACCP-compliant packaging


Single-dose sachets make it easy to produce,
bakery goods that offer variety, quality,
and consistency.

> Rustic bread

> American pizza

> Donuts

> Pretzel

> Sweet dough (brioche)

HACCP-compliant packaging

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